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VMWare and gazebo rendering issues

Hi all,

I'm currently running ROS Foxy with gazebo 11.8.1 in a VMware machine and I'm having some rendering issues. I have the virtual machine running with 3d hardware acceleration and I'm disabling OpenGL 4.1 with the following command:

export SVGA_VGPU10=0

as explained here or here

Everything is fine until there. The problem is that when I add an additional light to the world, most of the models become invisible.

The issue seems to be related to forcing OpenGL 2.1, because when I use OpenGL 4.1 there are no issues with the rendering (although, the VM freezes).

Does anyone know how to fix these issues? The rendering or the VM freezing?

Asked by gecastro on 2021-10-06 00:30:53 UTC

