Ignition Gazebo Crashed when sensors are moved

asked 2021-10-14 04:43:21 -0600

alexltz gravatar image


I am working with Ignition-Edifice to simulate an environment for my Kinova robot. For doing so I downloaded the realsense camera from Ignition-fuel to have some vision connected with ROS2. When I introduced the camera in a world with the sensor pulling included:

<plugin name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors" filename="libignition-gazebo-sensors-system.so"> </plugin>

The world instantly crashed with the following error:

ign gazebo server: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ogre-2.1-debbuilder/repo/RenderSystems/GL3Plus/src/GLSL/OgreGLSLProgramManager.cpp:623: void Ogre::GLSLProgramManager::extractUniformsFromProgram(GLuint, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, const GpuConstantDefinitionMap*, Ogre::GLUniformReferenceList&, Ogre::GLAtomicCounterReferenceList&, Ogre::GLUniformBufferList&, Ogre::SharedParamsBufferMap&, Ogre::GLCounterBufferList&): Assertion `size_t (arraySize) == newGLUniformReference.mConstantDef->arraySize && "GL doesn't agree with our array size!"' failed.

I was able to remove the error by increasing the <clip><near> value inside the sensor specification, However now I am moving the 2 cameras farther from the robot, so I have a wider vision of the scene and the error came back. Is this some kind of bug due to ignition version or is some other solution?

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Update: I removed one of the cameras and now it works :/ but not with multiple cameras

alexltz gravatar imagealexltz ( 2021-10-14 04:44:45 -0600 )edit