gazebo11 with black screen (no objects in scene)
I installed gazebo on a Ubuntu 20.04 system via command :
curl -SSL http::// | sh
Then I opened gazebo and created a new world ($HOME/test.sdf).
I saved the world in my home directory
I quite gazebo
Then I start gazebo with the new created model: "gazebo ./test.sdf --verbose"
Result in start of gazebo but the model is not visible in the scene (black window).
There is no strange logging visible in the terminal (verbose output)
How to solve this ? Did I missed something ?
Best regards,
In the left panel I see the models I added to the world.
Asked by jurge on 2021-10-18 12:49:47 UTC
I have the same problem with Gazebo 11.9.1 on VirtualBox machine with guest Ubuntu 20.04 and host Windows 10.
I've found that problem is with videocard (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 in my case). If I use integrated videocard, everything works fine. Alternatively, I may turn off 3D acceleration for this machine. But it shows just 4-9 FPS.
It looks like some bug in gazebo world loading. When world just created from empty I can see and edit that ...
Asked by Alex.Zador on 2021-12-31 10:23:31 UTC
Have the same problem...
Asked by Alex.Zador on 2021-12-27 02:53:37 UTC