actuators msg ign_ros_bridge
I want to use the ignrosbridge to port mav_mgs/msg/Actuators to ignition.msgs.actuators. These is my computers info and distros I'm using:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ignition Fortress
- ROS2 galactic
I know that for ROS2, the actuator message is not yet standard, but I've build them from source with this msg
float64[] angles
float64[] angular_velocities
float64[] normalized
and checked it with
$ ros2 interface show mav_msgs/msg/Actuators
But when I try to create an bridge between this new message and the ign msg I get an error message:
$ ros2 run ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge /X3/gazebo/command/motor_speed@mav_msgs/msg/Actuators]ignition.msgs.Actuators
1636512014.120483 [0] parameter_: using network interface wlp3s0 (udp/ selected arbitrarily from: wlp3s0, docker0
Failed to create a bridge for topic [/X3/gazebo/command/motor_speed] with ROS2 type [mav_msgs/msg/Actuators] and Ignition Transport type [ignition.msgs.Actuators]
[INFO] [1636512049.181934875] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signal_value=2)
If I look at the ROS2 branch of ign_gazebo in the readme, it does say a big TODO at that msg in particular. Is that because ROS2 doesnt have the actuator msg yet?
Perhaps it could also be that the ignition version doesn't match ROS2, however I did try out the bridge with a different (ros2 standard) msg and that worked out.
Asked by kimmcg on 2021-11-09 21:45:26 UTC
The section of code for working with
is commented out in the ros2 branch. See You might be able to uncomment it and build it from source.Asked by azeey on 2021-11-10 17:27:32 UTC
Ahh that makes sense! I completely missed that. Thanks!
Then that is also the way to enable new ros to ign messages as well, so it's good to know where to look
Asked by kimmcg on 2021-11-10 19:29:39 UTC