RealSense Camera Appears in Gazebo but not in Rviz
I am following and am able to see the real sense camera in Gazebo when running "roslaunch realsensegazeboplugin realsense.launch # in terminal 1" and able to run "roslaunch realsensegazeboplugin depth_proc.launch # in terminal 2". However, when I run Rviz I am not able to see the camera nor the /realsense topics. It seems like the nodes are being published:
root@a47b0335487b:/realsense_gazebo_plugin# roslaunch launch/depth_proc.launch
... logging to /root/.ros/log/147230a6-4b23-11ec-bd04-0242ac110002/roslaunch-a47b0335487b-5065.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://a47b0335487b:40265/
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.9
* /use_sim_time: True
convert_metric (nodelet/nodelet)
points_xyzrgb (nodelet/nodelet)
standalone_nodelet (nodelet/nodelet)
process[standalone_nodelet-1]: started with pid [5079]
process[convert_metric-2]: started with pid [5080]
process[points_xyzrgb-3]: started with pid [5081]
[ INFO] [1637537468.665110200]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
Is there a way to make my rviz connect to these nodes? Thank you
Asked by ehiga on 2021-11-21 17:54:04 UTC
Are the Gazebo nodes running when you start up Rviz? Did you add the Displays in Rviz that should show the camera and image/pointcloud? It's not clear to me what you mean by "making Rviz connect to these nodes". Rviz displays typically consume information published to topics. They don't connect to other nodes directly.
Asked by felixvd on 2021-11-23 19:49:18 UTC
The Gazebo nodes are not running when Rviz is started up, however I am pretty sure the Gazebo topics are being published through its plugin. How do we add a Display in Rviz? Also, sorry I misunderstood Rviz and from what you said I think that Rviz is not connecting to the topics correctly.
Asked by ehiga on 2021-12-04 18:08:29 UTC
Actually, found out that pressing "Add" on the bottom left corner adds the camera topics. However, after adding "/realsense/camera/depth_registered/points" nothing is displayed still. And am pretty sure it is due to the error "Fixed Frame No TF data." Therefore, I was wondering if you could help me to fix that error?
Asked by ehiga on 2021-12-05 17:20:25 UTC
Alright followed this post here: and that solved the fixed frame issue. However when I added the point cloud nothing is displaying still.
Asked by ehiga on 2021-12-05 17:48:52 UTC