How to connect external code with a Gazebo Plugin using catkin_make?
I am trying to build a Gazebo Plugin that will set the position of an object with SetWorldPose() but i want to get the Position Coordinates from another Program which i build with the Simulink Code Generator which works fine on its own. I am using VS Code and have gazebo-11.
My problem is that the catkin_make Compiler will not compile the Simulink Code as it doesnt recognise the includes from the Simulink Code but the g++ Compiler doesn't recognise the Gazebo Libraries. So i have two Prgroamms (Simulink Code and Gazebo Plugin) that i cannot compile together.
I just want the output from my Simulink Prgram to act as an input Paramet for the SetWorldPose() functon in my Gazebo Plugin. Is there a better way to make this work?
Asked by fd99 on 2021-12-30 19:55:33 UTC
As a potential alternative to using Simulink code generation, have you taken a look at MathWorks' Simulink Gazebo Co-Simulation plugin? If not a direct solution, perhaps it could still be interesting to look at the source code
Asked by shonigmann on 2022-01-06 12:24:53 UTC