Ignition Edifice Gazebo black screen
Hi There,
I followed the instructions to install ignition with the binary installation. After that I tried to start a simple gazebo world. However I only get a black window.
When I try ign gazebo
or ign gazebo shapes.sdf
, I only get a black screen.
When I use ign gazebo.sdf -v
I get the following
[Msg] Ignition Gazebo Server v5.3.0
[Msg] Ignition Gazebo GUI v5.3.0
[Msg] Loading SDF world file[/usr/share/ignition/ignition-gazebo5/worlds/shapes.sdf].
[Msg] Loaded level [3]
[Msg] No systems loaded from SDF, loading defaults
[Msg] Create service on [/world/shapes/create]
[Msg] Remove service on [/world/shapes/remove]
[Msg] Pose service on [/world/shapes/set_pose]
[Msg] Light configuration service on [/world/shapes/light_config]
[Msg] Physics service on [/world/shapes/set_physics]
[Msg] Enable collision service on [/world/shapes/enable_collision]
[Msg] Disable collision service on [/world/shapes/disable_collision]
[Msg] Material service on [/world/shapes/visual_config]
[Msg] Serving world controls on [/world/shapes/control] and [/world/shapes/playback/control]
[Msg] Serving GUI information on [/world/shapes/gui/info]
[Msg] World [shapes] initialized with [default_physics] physics profile.
[Msg] Serving world SDF generation service on [/world/shapes/generate_world_sdf]
[Msg] Serving world names on [/gazebo/worlds]
[Msg] Resource path add service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/add].
[Msg] Resource path get service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/get].
[Msg] Resource paths published on [/gazebo/resource_paths].
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: Failed to initialize QSettings instance. Status code is: 1
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: The following application identifiers have not been set: QVector("organizationName", "organizationDomain")
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: Failed to initialize QSettings instance. Status code is: 1
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: The following application identifiers have not been set: QVector("organizationName", "organizationDomain")
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file::/Gazebo/GazeboDrawer.qml:147:3: QML Dialog: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: Failed to initialize QSettings instance. Status code is: 1
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:102:33: QML Settings: The following application identifiers have not been set: QVector("organizationName", "organizationDomain")
[GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:669] [QT] file::/Gazebo/GazeboDrawer.qml:147:3: QML Dialog: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
[Msg] Found no publishers on /stats, adding root stats topic
[Msg] Found no publishers on /clock, adding root clock topic
[Msg] Serving scene information on [/world/shapes/scene/info]
[Msg] Serving graph information on [/world/shapes/scene/graph]
[Msg] Serving full state on [/world/shapes/state]
[Msg] Serving full state (async) on [/world/shapes ...
I'm facing the same issue, but I've installed it from source. But I already have a gazebo11 binary installed, do you have a similar situation?