Gazebo real time factor drops in certain areas
Hi guys, as above, the gazebo real time factor drops to as low as 0.1 when in certain parts of my designed room. I understand that this could be a problem with the computer not being good enough for gazebo to run at a higher real time factor. The thing is, these "slow regions" occur at locations where there isn't much geometry to begin with. Any clue on how to solve this or is this really a computer limitation issue?
Asked by PumpkinIcedTea on 2022-01-09 10:08:09 UTC
One of the possibilities is the collision. The real-time factor can go down a lot if two collisions of type mesh are close together (even not in contact yet). The more complex of the meshes, the lower the real-time factor drops. And by complexity, it's about the number of faces, so if it looks like a plane but is made of a lot of triangles, that can be heavy too.
Asked by Veerachart on 2022-01-11 05:30:25 UTC