Anyway to save image from depth camera from tools? i.e. gz, gui, etc?
I can see the depth camera image when looking at the topic in gazebo, but is there a way to save this image without having to write a plugin? i.e. 'gz camera', etc?
This is using ""
Asked by LakeWorthB on 2022-01-20 05:39:11 UTC
You can edit your camera SDF to tell it to save the image stream to a desired location, but there's no mention of a way to toggle this feature on or off at runtime and it might be wayyy too much data for your use case.
Besides that, I am not aware of a purely-gazebo way of saving images from simulated cameras that doesn't involve a plugin, short of taking a screenshot of the image view from the topic visualizer in Gazebo,
Asked by shonigmann on 2022-01-20 20:35:02 UTC
If you use ROS.
You could use a standard ROS camera plugin and store the generated ROS topic of the camera with a custom ROS node.
Another possibility is to use the rqt_image_view also available in ROS.
Asked by Nobel on 2022-02-03 04:48:41 UTC