How to use image_saver to save images into different folders rather than all in than the same one?
I’m using ROS kinetic
and gazabo
simulator. I have a functional simulation program that can save all images from drone’s camera into same path using the “image_saver”
of the “image_view”
package, for example saving “image1” to “folder1”, “image2” to “folder1” and so on. My goal is to modify this program so that it can save images from camera into different paths, for example saving “image1” to “folder1”, “image2” to “folder2” etc.
What I was thinking is to change the value of the “filename_format”
every time before I call the “save”
service, but it didn’t work, the program is still saving all the images into the folders corresponding to the “filename_format”
initiative value when the simulation started. It seems that changing the value of the “filename_format”
during the simulation’s running will not change the path that the “save”
service is about to save to.
I got stuck on how to proceed, below are the core code that I’m using to save the images.
Much obliged.
.launch file:
<node pkg="image_view" type="image_saver" name="image_saver" output="screen">
<!--<param name="filename_format" value="/home/donghao/Aniketh/wallBot/droneSim/catkin_ws/capture/exp6/capture%02i.jpg"/> -->
<param name="save_all_image" value="false"/>
<remap from="image" to="/firefly/camera_nadir/image_raw" />
<node name="goal2goal" pkg="rotors_gazebo" type="goal2goal" output="screen"/>
<node name="image_view" pkg="image_view" type="image_view" respawn="false" output="screen">
<remap from="image" to="/firefly/camera_nadir/image_raw" />
.cpp file
Int j = 1;
std_srvs::Empty srv;
while(j <= 15){
// folder generator
vector <string> im_location;
int first = (j)/10;
int second = (j)%10;
int image_num = 0;
dir = "/home/donghao/Aniketh/wallBot/droneSim/catkin_ws/capture/exp1/trial"+ ("{}",to_string(first)) + ({}",to_string(second));
//setting the parameter in the image saver node to change the dir of the saved images
ros::param::set("/firefly/image_saver/filename_format" , dir+"/frame%04i.jpg");
ros::param::get("/firefly/image_saver/filename_format" , new_dir);
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++){
//flying through the waypoints
mav_msgs::msgMultiDofJointTrajectoryFromPositionYaw(waypoints[i].position, waypoints[i].yaw, &trajectory_msg);
//saving image
int first = (image_num)/10;
int second = (image_num)%10;
string data = "capture"+("{}",to_string(first)) + ("{}",to_string(second)) + ", " + position_message + "," + orientation_message;
bool save=ros::service::call("/firefly/image_saver/save",srv);
Asked by DonghaoZ on 2022-02-08 12:53:33 UTC