Gazebo/RViz : Emulated camera can't display STL imported object in RViz
Hello everyone, I am working on a mobile robot and wanted to simulated it in an environement in Gazebo. When I emulate a camera in gazebo and want to display it in RViz, it only shows certain objects : those that are walls or imported from the gazebo models librarie. All the objects I imported from an stl file with a .sdf (I also tried with types .dae and .obj) do display in gazebo but don't show in the RVIZ display (topic: /3Dcamera/color/image_raw with camera or image displays). Here is the example of the model.sdf that I can display on gazebo but not RViZ: C:\fakepath\model.sdf
Here is the difference in RViz between the box I want displayed and a wheel from a gazebo librarie in front of a wall created with Building Editor in Gazebo: in gazebo:
in RViz:
In the environnement I load, the lines for this particular box is shown below (it's the same principle for every imported stl object):
<model name='boites_clone_0'>
<pose>-5.62328 -0.573398 0.4 0 -0 1.3e-05</pose>
<link name='stl_test_box'>
<collision name='Wall_4_Collision'>
<size>0.82 0.85 0.4</size>
<visual name='Wall_4_Visual'>
<pose>-0.05 0.1 -0.3 0 -0 0</pose>
<scale>0.001 0.001 0.001</scale>
<pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
I'm using Gazebo 11.9.0 and ROS Noetic on Ubunto 20.04. The STL models come from a mechanical simulation generated inFreeCad. If anyone of you has an ideas or answers to this issue, i'd be pleased to hear them. Thank you.