Is deprecated ?
I'd like to add a stereo camera to my robot.
I followed the Gazebo documentation and added a Multicamera sensor:
But when I launch Gazebo and add my robot, I get the following error: Failed to load plugin
So I checked if it was installed using locate libgazebo_ros_
and it turned out that it was not, there was only /opt/ros/foxy/lib/
I tried reinstalling ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs
and building the package from the sources but the library is still missing.
Hence my question, is this lib (and part of the doc) deprecated ?
How I am suppose to add a stereo camera to my rover ? If I add two cameras will they be synchronized ?
I'm using ROS2 foxy and Gazebo 11
Asked by Clement on 2022-04-28 04:12:57 UTC
Replacing the plugin by in the xacro definition of the sensor seems to work. At least, the images are published as well as their cameraInfo.
But the images are not published at the same timestamp even though I'm using use_sim_time, and the /clock corresponds to the time displayed in Gazebo... I also tried to launch Gazebo with the lock_step option without success.
Someone can help me with this ?
Also I'd like to understand why the isn't built while the build and install ionstructions are clearly in the cmakelist.txt or gazebo_ros_pkgs.
Asked by Clement on 2022-05-03 05:58:37 UTC
After a reboot, everything is synchronized...
Asked by Clement on 2022-05-04 08:43:34 UTC