why am I not able to use the argument value of a xacro under a gazebo tag?
I'm just showing the relevant parts..
<robot xmlns:xacro="http://www.ros.org/wiki/xacro" name="xyz">
<xacro:arg name="robot_names" default="robot_1"/>
<plugin name="object_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_planar_move.so">
<robotNamespace><remapping>/tf:=tf</remapping> </robotNamespace>
<ros> <remapping>/tf:=tf</remapping> </ros>
<!-- Set control loop update rate -->
<!-- Set odom publish rate -->
<!-- Set if odom required -->
<!-- Frame IDs -->
<!-- Set odom covariance -->
Asked by pmuthu2s on 2022-05-16 04:19:54 UTC
For an argument, you need to call it using:
${arg robot_names}
Asked by joe28965 on 2022-05-25 04:50:36 UTC