Troubles in gazebo ignition with ackermann steering plugin not generating tf.
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to run a simulation on ignition fortress and i'm having some troubles. I'm using ROS 2 Foxy and Ubuntu focal 20.04. The problem that i'm having is that no tf data is generated by the ignition, and so i cant use slamtoolbox on ros side. Does anyone know if there is a plugin that generates tf data on ignition side?? Anyone knows why in ignros_bridge there is a type of msg to bridge that is tf2 but i cant find any resource on how to generate it from gazebo side. I'm using an ackermann steering plugin, should it be generating the tf? I saw that the diffdrive plugin generates a tf. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Asked by marcelomm103 on 2022-05-20 09:29:57 UTC