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How to setup a stereo camera with ignition ?

asked 2022-05-23 08:59:42 -0500

Clement gravatar image


Do you have any example of SDF file with stereo cameras ?


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2 Answers

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answered 2022-05-24 10:51:53 -0500

Clement gravatar image

updated 2022-05-24 10:57:56 -0500

Thank you for your answers.
I was rather looking for how to define a stereo camera (not how to visualize it), but the answer was interesting.

The old way of adding stereo cameras in Gazebo classic was to:
- attach a sensor to the camera_link
- set the sensor type to multicamera
- define two cameras in this sensor using the << camera >> tag
- add a plugin to the sensor
- explicitly set the baseline in the plugin using the << hack_baseline >> tag

Here is an example of stereo camera for Gazebo classic:

<gazebo reference="camera_link">
    <sensor type="multicamera" name="stereo_camera">

      <camera name="left">
        <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <center>0.5 0.5</center>

      <camera name="right">
        <pose>0 -0.12 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <center>0.5 0.5</center>

      <plugin name="stereo_camera_controller" filename="">


With Ignition, it is a little bit different. You have to:
- attach a sensor to the camera_link for each camera
- set the sensor type to camera
- make them publish at the same rate (see
- add a sensor plugin to the model/robot
- the baseline is set automatically thanks to the cameras pose (see

Here is an example of stereo camera for Gazebo Ignition:

    <plugin name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors" filename=""> </plugin>

 <gazebo reference="camera_link">
<sensor type="camera" name="right">
  <pose>0 -0.12 0 0 0 0</pose>
  <sensor type="camera" name="left">
  <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
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I'm not sure exactly what is this on ignition. It doesn't look like ignition sdf file to me. Ign doesn't use <gazebo>. If I remember right, classic uses it.

Are you sure you are using ignition?

kakcalu13 gravatar imagekakcalu13 ( 2022-05-27 07:43:51 -0500 )edit

Actually, I'm using URDF, and you can use the <gazebo> tag inside URDF to define the Ignition plugins to link to your robot frames.

Clement gravatar imageClement ( 2022-06-09 09:12:13 -0500 )edit

answered 2022-05-24 07:42:45 -0500

florian.pix gravatar image

You can first take a look at the sensors that are supported by sdformat. There you can find "camera", "depth_camera" and "multicamera". In the following example I am using "camera" and "depth_camera" to replicate the stereo camera functionality. I am not aware if "multicamera" is supported by ign gazebo and how you would use it, maybe someone else can add some more information about that.

<sdf version='1.8'>
<world name='auv'>
    <color>0.05 0.2 0.2 1.0</color>
  <ambient>0 1 1 1</ambient>
  <background>0 0.7 0.8 1</background>
<physics name='1ms' type='ode'>
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::Physics' filename='ignition-gazebo-physics-system'/>
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::UserCommands' filename='ignition-gazebo-user-commands-system'/>
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::SceneBroadcaster' filename='ignition-gazebo-scene-broadcaster-system'/>
<plugin name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors" filename="ignition-gazebo-sensors-system">

  <plugin filename="GzScene3D" name="3D View">
      <title>3D View</title>
      <property type="bool" key="showTitleBar">false</property>
      <property type="string" key="state">docked</property>

    <ambient_light>0.4 0.4 0.4</ambient_light>
    <background_color>0.8 0.8 0.8</background_color>
    <camera_pose>0 1 1 0 0.5 -1.57</camera_pose>

  <plugin filename="WorldControl" name="World control">
      <title>World control</title>
      <property type="bool" key="showTitleBar">false</property>
      <property type="bool" key="resizable">false</property>
      <property type="double" key="height">72</property>
      <property type="double" key="width">121</property>
      <property type="double" key="z">1</property>

      <property type="string" key="state">floating</property>
      <anchors target="3D View">
        <line own="left" target="left"/>
        <line own="bottom" target="bottom"/>


  <!-- World statistics -->
  <plugin filename="WorldStats" name="World stats">
      <title>World stats</title>
      <property type="bool" key="showTitleBar">false</property>
      <property type="bool" key="resizable">false</property>
      <property type="double" key="height">110</property>
      <property type="double" key="width">290</property>
      <property type="double" key="z">1</property>

      <property type="string" key="state">floating</property>
      <anchors target="3D View">
        <line own="right" target="right"/>
        <line own="bottom" target="bottom"/>


  <plugin filename="ImageDisplay" name="front_depth_camera">
      <title>front depth camera</title>
      <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
      <property type="double" key="height">300</property>
      <property type="double" key="width">300</property>
      <property type="double" key="x">1</property>
      <property type="double" key="y">1</property>
      <property type="double" key="z">1</property>
  <plugin filename="ImageDisplay" name="front_camera">
      <title>front camera</title>
      <property key="state" type="string">floating ...
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This is correct method to use. You actually can use 3 camera at the same time as well through ign topic. I use them through ros2 foxy to ign. GUI may be limited to one per sensor however you can just duplicate them. See here for example: image description

But you can get them all at once through programming. See here:

{'sensory_data': {'ir': {1: True, 0: True, 2: True}, The name is changed to sensory_data.

kakcalu13 gravatar imagekakcalu13 ( 2022-05-24 08:58:23 -0500 )edit

So, the OP can just do his/her little art project then add the plugin like florian.pix mentioned.

Keep it in mind, you need to add a plugin per link (or model if you are too advanced already)

Your post is absolutely correct, IMO.


kakcalu13 gravatar imagekakcalu13 ( 2022-05-24 09:01:05 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-05-23 08:59:42 -0500

Seen: 1,418 times

Last updated: May 24 '22