Gazebo stops subscribing to a topic when I run gzclient
I'm working with ROS1, Docker and Gazebo. When I run the robotic application and the simulation application using docker run and I enter in the container images, using the command
$ rostopic list
I can see that the topic /cmd_vel appears in both the images, and when I retrieve the information using
$ rostopic info cmd_vel
I obtain:
Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
- /rotate (http://a47864a79463:33019/)
Subscribers: None
Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
Publishers: None
- /gazebo (http://225f2aebfbbd:41711/)
for the robotapp and the simapp respectively. The point is that, when inside the simapp image, I run the command
$ rosrun gazebo_ros gzclient
I obtain the following output:
the robot stands still inside the Gazebo GUI (instead rotating around the z axis with an angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s) and the /cmd_vel topic disappears from the ones available in the simapp image (together with others).
Do you know what could be the cause of this error?