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Simulation application stops subscribing to topics when I run gzclient

I am working with ROS, Docker and Gazebo. In my ROS environment I have a robotic application and a simulation one, from which I have built two docker images.

I run the with the following commands:

$ docker run -it -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -u robomaker -e ROBOMAKERGAZEBOMASTERURI=http://localhost:5555 -e ROBOMAKERROSMASTERURI=http://localhost:11311 \robomaker-helloworld-robot-app:latest roslaunch helloworldrobot rotate.launch


$ export DISPLAY=:0

$ xhost +

$ docker run -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -u robomaker -e ROBOMAKERGAZEBOMASTERURI=http://localhost:5555 -e ROBOMAKERROSMASTERURI=http://localhost:11311 \robomaker-helloworld-sim-app:latest roslaunch helloworldsimulation empty_world.launch

for the robotapp and the simapp respectively. If I go inside the simapp image, after all the required sourcing, and run the command

$ rostopic list

I get the following output

$ /camera/parameter_descriptions



















The problem is that, when I run the

$ rosrun gazebo_ros gzclient

command from the simapp image, it spans the robot inside Gazebo but it stays still (instead doing the task described in the robotapp) and, if I close the gzclient and I look again to the topics inside the image, I get only these:





Do you know what could be the source of this error?

Asked by MatteoSartoni on 2022-06-05 09:20:28 UTC

