Warning [parser.cc:536] XML Attribute[name] in element[pose] not defined in SDF, ignoring. [Err] [Visual.cc:2726] No mesh specified
I am trying to insert an object into my gazebo environment. I can see the object under the insert tab but when I click it I get this error: Warning [parser.cc:536] XML Attribute[name] in element[pose] not defined in SDF, ignoring. [Err] [SystemPaths.cc:410] File or path does not exist["/home/dada/Desktop/stl2sdf/../Pipeline cover v33 v1.obj_sdf/mesh.stl"] [Err] [Visual.cc:2726] No mesh specified
C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2022-06-29 20-18-34.pngC:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2022-06-29 20-18-47.png
Asked by pdada on 2022-06-29 20:19:57 UTC