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Best method on introducing visual plugins into urdf parser

Hi folks,

I would like to hear your thought on the best syntax for introducing visual plugins into the urdf parser. I am planning on patching urdf_parser to add this functionality.

Right now, a model plugin is resolved as follows:

  <plugin .... />

And a sensor plugin is resolved as follows:

<gazebo reference="link">
  <sensor ... >
    <plugin .... />

What is the best syntax to introduce visual plugins? I was thinking along the lines of:

<gazebo reference="link">
    <plugin .... />

The link will probably already have a visual element already from the URDF, and this will push the plugin into that visual element.

Thanks!! Piyush

Asked by piyushk on 2013-05-14 12:02:26 UTC


What are the visual plugins? Do they include lighting effects, texture projection or similar that can be controlled through ROS?

Asked by Lucas Walter on 2013-10-17 11:24:27 UTC

@Lucas Walter: Visual Plugins allow you to change visual properties of a link. You won't be able to change lighting, but can change the texture of certain models. See

Asked by piyushk on 2013-11-15 15:59:31 UTC


You can now use visual plugins in a URDF file. See for an example.

Asked by piyushk on 2013-11-15 15:55:04 UTC


This link is broken. Could you post an update?

Asked by kleinma on 2018-02-22 09:53:38 UTC

I think I found it.

Asked by kleinma on 2018-02-22 10:03:18 UTC