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Error code 139 in the second execution

I am creating a package for simulation in Gazebo and ROS2 and a problem appears when I try to launch the packages a second time in the same session.

I have 2 different launch files: one for the world and one for the robot. I firstly launch the one of the world, and then the one of the robot. The first time that I launch everything it does not appear to show any issue, but when I try to launch the world and then the robot a second time in the same terminals the gzserver closes with a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error and a error code 139.

Edit: I managed to find the source of the problem, although not a permanent solution. I was using the libgazeborosray_sensor, and that seems to be what is given the segmentation fault problem. The lower amount of samples, the lower times that error appears.

Asked by pablo.arandarod on 2022-07-31 18:21:55 UTC

