Spawning PR2 makes Gazebo die with Illegal Instruction [closed]
Just got a strange problem yesterday when trying to launch Gazebo and PR2 to test a new stack. The symptoms look quite frequent but the causes appears to be various, so I'm opening a new thread for that.
Under ROS Fuerte and Ubuntu 10.04, I roslaunch emptyworld environment with emptyworld.launch. Everything looks right at this time. Then, I try to spawn the PR2 through "pr2.launch" file. The PR2 visually appears, but at some point, Gazebo crashes and PR2 node (defaultcontrollersspawner) also. I still got the Gazebo GUI and can manipulate the robot (move it in the environment) but I can't spawn other objects neither control the PR2. The error I get from Gazebo is an "Illegal Instruction" (logs are enclosed at the bottom of the question). On, I found that a similar issue was due to SSE compilation process, but that may have been solved with Gazebo 1.6.15 (I'm using 1.6.16). Here I read about a Graphical Card driver that was conflicting ( ) but as it is a ROS Groovy issue and my Gazebo is launching well, I'm not sure it can apply. I updated Linux with the recommended updates and ros with the corresponding patches on the beginning of May. As I didn't used ROS since Monday 6th, that may be part of the explanation.
Does somebody have an idea of what's going wrong with PR2 ? I can still spawn simple boxes in the environment. Thanks for reading !
EDIT : Any advice ?
Here are the logs :
renaudo@oogawa:~/rosworkspace$ roslaunch gazeboworlds empty_world.launch
... logging to /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/roslaunch-oogawa-19565.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://oogawa:38763/
* /rosdistro
* /rosversion
* /use_sim_time
gazebo (gazebo/gazebo)
gazebo_gui (gazebo/gui)
core service [/rosout] found
process[gazebo-1]: started with pid [19585]
process[gazebo_gui-2]: started with pid [19592]
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.0.2
Copyright (C) 2011 Nate Koenig, John Hsu, Andrew Howard, and contributors.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.0.2
Copyright (C) 2011 Nate Koenig, John Hsu, Andrew Howard, and contributors.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Msg Waiting for master.Msg Waiting for master
Msg Connected to gazebo master @ http://kingawa:11345
[ INFO] [1368622405.869056587]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1368622406.697629250]: joint trajectory plugin missing <updateRate>, defaults to 0.0 (as fast as possible)
Msg Connected to gazebo master @ http://kingawa:11345
[ INFO] [1368622408.102870776, 0.265000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1368622408.569351643, 15.042000000]: Starting to spin physics dynamic reconfigure node...
[ WARN] [1368622431.147719089, 1762.062000000]: multiple inconsistent <turnGravityOff> exists due to fixed joint reduction, overwriting previous ...
Any clue ?
It would be nice to be able to update to a newer gazebo version, present on Groovy or Hydro, in order to avoid past bugs with older versions of gazebo.