How to trigger a stereo camera on Gazebo Ignition with ROS2 ?
I'd like to trigger a stereo acquisition from ROS Galactic with Gazebo Ignition (Fortress).
I don't find any documentation. Could someone provide me an example ?
I've found but I'm not sure if those plugins are for ignition or gazebo classic...
Thanks in advance
Ignition plugins are here: Sensors have been fused into a single To create a stereo camera you need two <sensor> tags with type "camera" as described here:</sensor>
The Load() function parses the <camera> tag:</camera>
To trigger cameras, you need to set the <triggered> tag to true and give a <trigger_topic>.
In the end, my urdf looks like this:
<sensor type="camera" name="right">
<pose>0 -0.12 0 0 0 0</pose>
<camera name="right">
<sensor type="camera" name="left">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<camera name="left">
There is no message on the topic ign topic -t /model/mmx/stereo_camera/left/image_raw -e
which means the camera is in triger mode (not constantly streaming messages on the topic).
But the trigger_topic doesn't appear when I list topics with ign topic -l
And if I pusblish a message on the trigger_topic with ign topic -t "/trigger" -m ignition.msgs.Empty -p " "
, cameras are not triggered (still no image message).
The link you provided is ROS1.
Would this link big helpful for you?
Instead of Foxy, use Galactic
Indeed it was the old gazebo plugins. The new ones are It seems that all the sensors have been fused into a single sensor: But I can't make it work.