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gazebo wheeled robot moving slower than the real one

i am Trying to move gazebo and real robot simultaneously. when i start both at the same time, my real robot reaches earlier than the gazebo robot. if i let my real robot move linearly til the gazebo robot reaches to 1m, my real robot reaches 1.5, 1.8 sometimes 1.3 meters. i tried modifying frivtion values but didnt help. i have tried using yaml file and configured own differential drive params as well but didnt help. anyone help me out please..

hjere is the gazebo reference

/mobilebasecontroller/cmdvel /mobilebasecontroller/odom /mobilebasecontroller/odom world false basefootprint true true true false 30 leftjoint rightjoint 0.43 0.21 1 20 na


0.1 0.1 <!-- 100000.0 100.0 --> 0.001 3 1 0 0 Gazebo/FlatBlack

0.1 0.1 <!-- 100000.0 100.0 --> 0.001 3 1 0 0 Gazebo/FlatBlack

Asked by Rushabh on 2022-09-06 05:34:52 UTC

