Has anyone run a camera sensor with L_INT16 format without an error?
I'm trying to create a 16bit mono image to match the output of a real world sensor. Ex:
<sensor name="gray_image" type="camera"> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <camera> <horizontal_fov>0.977384</horizontal_fov> <image> <width>224</width> <height>172</height> <format>L_INT16</format> </image> <clip> <near>0.1</near> <far>4.0</far> </clip> </camera> <always_on>1</always_on> <update_rate>30</update_rate> <visualize>true</visualize> <topic>/royale_camera/gray_image</topic> </sensor>
It correctly matches the enumeration type for LINT16 (second entry) but seems to not to be able to "convert/support" it and defaults to RGBINT8:
Not sure really where the issue might be coming from as it does appear to be a supported image type used in the thermal cam by default and recognizes the type: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Agazebosim+L_INT16&type=code
So I'm perplexed why it might be throwing the error of:
[Err] [CameraSensor.cc:221] Unsupported pixel format [2]
and was curious if this is regression or just not complete implementation yet. I don't mind "fixing it" and creating a PR if someone has a better Idea where/why it might be failing.
Here are the open issues: https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-sensors/issues/275 https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-sim/issues/1736
Asked by bperseghetti on 2022-09-26 13:26:36 UTC
This should be fixed by https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-sensors/pull/276
Asked by azeey on 2022-09-28 13:46:44 UTC