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How to use heightmaps with gazebo garden?

Hello, I wanted to add a seabed for my auv world so I first tried to check heightmap.sdf the example for heightmaps in gazebo.

Sadly, the example in itself doesn't contains anything useful but links to another file at ~/.gz/ bowl/1 and then you find model.config and model.sdf that contains the actual example of how to use heightmaps.

My problem is, when I try to change the gray scale png with one of my own that is also 129x129, the simulation directly crashes. Apparently, it has something to do with GLSLShader or Ogre::RenderingAPIException. I also tried to write everything myself in a new world file using the same heightmap used in the example only to find the same error. Did anyone encounter the same problem or have any idea how to solve that ?

Asked by Sleipnir164 on 2022-10-21 11:29:13 UTC


I am having the exact same problem. Any updates ?

Asked by Sam_Prt on 2023-02-10 08:14:29 UTC
