Missing ground_plane drone model in Gazebo
Hey everyone, I use the commands below to install the Gazebo with Ardupilot but at the end of it there was no drone model in the Gazebo. Can you help me out please? Should I add it by hand or something?
sudo apt-get install gazebo11
sudo apt-get install libgazebo11-dev
git clone https://github.com/khancyr/ardupilot_gazebo
cd ardupilot_gazebo
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j4 sudo make install
echo 'source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.sh' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export GAZEBOMODELPATH=~/ardupilot_gazebo/models' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
gazebo --verbose worlds/irisarducopterrunway.world
cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter ../Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -f gazebo-iris --console --map
Asked by emir0723 on 2022-10-31 07:50:37 UTC