make a moving/rotating platform for driving a robot
Hello, I am trying to create a moving platform that can move in roll, pitch, yaw, Z. I want to test driving a robot on such a platform. I created a SDF platform and adapted this [code] ( for controlling the movement. but the ground plane keep the platform from rolling/pitching. And if I remove the ground platform both the robot and platform fall. Is this possible ? what am I doing wrong? My ground platform is here:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sdf version="1.4">
<model name="SMP">
<pose>0 0 2.0 0 0 0.0</pose>
<link name="link">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<collision name="collision">
<scale>1 1 1 </scale>
<visual name="visual">
<scale>1 1 1 </scale>
<plugin name="plannar_mover_plugin" filename=""/>
Your inertial numbers seem very extreme - where did you get those values?