Ignition gazebo citadel can no longer load worlds from fuel.gazebosim.org
In a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 VM with Ignition Gazebo citadel, version 3.14.0 installed, I cannot load worlds from fuel.gazebosim.org.
Previously I was able to do so.
For example:
ign gazebo "https://fuel.gazebosim.org/1.0/OpenRobotics/worlds/Test_shapes"
was properly starting gazebo and loading the world (I could also do it with more complex worlds like the Tugbot_warehouse
This command no longer works. Now this command gives:
[Err] [Server.cc:181] Error Code 13 Msg: Directory doesn't exist[/home/ubuntu/.ignition/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org/openrobotics/models/ground plane/tip]
[Err] [Server.cc:181] Error Code 13 Msg: Directory doesn't exist[/home/ubuntu/.ignition/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org/openrobotics/models/sun/tip]
And the same is happening with any other world from fuel that I tried. For every model, the "tip" folder is missing.
Is Gazebo Citadel still expected to work with Fuel? What would be the way to load Fuel worlds from Gazebo Citadel?