How to spawn a URDF robot into a Ignition Gazebo world from ROS2?
I've had a nightmare of a time trying to figure out how to do this. The confusing name change from Ignition to Gazebo Sim has made it almost impossible to tell the difference between the vast majority of tutorials and posts about the latest versions of Gazebo (I'm using Fortress because Garden doesn't seem quite ready yet) and the vast majority which are about Gazebo Classic since they have the same name.
There doesn't seem to be a spawn_entity script or anything like that for importing robots yet. At least not one that I've found. The only way I've managed to do it is through the command line using the ign service
, but that seems to be quite a pain to implement into a ROS2 (Humble) python launch file. Is that really the only way to do it at the moment?
Any input would be much appreciated, Cheers