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IMU added in Gazebo and data published via ROS all zero

I modified the SDF file, adding the IMU sensor as this: image description

And then I try publishing the IMU data using PYTHON as this: image description

But when I use

rtopic echo /Imu_1

to show the data, they are all zero as this: image description

Where is it I am wrong? Thanks!

Asked by sslzykk on 2023-03-10 04:13:51 UTC



When using the imu gazebo_plugin. The plugin will send out automatically his detected IMU parameters depending on his situation in Gazebo environment. So when you are controlling the robot with the cmd_vel the acceleration in x direction of the IMU data will be updated accordingly.

There is no need to send out the IMU data yourself.

Hope this helps.

Asked by Nobel on 2023-03-13 04:40:57 UTC


Actually I am using PX4-ROS-Gazebo to simulate drone systems, are you familiar with this? The IMU added just publishes all-zero data

Asked by sslzykk on 2023-03-14 04:31:37 UTC