How to do an arrow/line that indicates wind direction?
For my thesis I need an arrow/line that indicate the wind direction on gazebo. I define the wind direction on my .world file and I have a ros topic that publish that information too and I can subscribe it, but I don't know how can make an arrow on gazebo that indicates the direction of the wind...
Something like this...
Does anyone know how I can do it? Any idea?
Please help! Thank you
Asked by jpftavares on 2023-03-16 08:29:29 UTC
Maybe a GUI plugin that subscribes to the topic (or get the wind from physics interface), and use this ArrowVisual class?
Asked by Veerachart on 2023-03-20 02:34:56 UTC
Sorry for my ignorance... But how can I do that?
Asked by jpftavares on 2023-03-20 10:53:40 UTC
Maybe start from this tutorial about showing things in the GUI? More resources can be found in the links provided in here. Example plugins can also be found in the github repo.
Asked by Veerachart on 2023-03-22 20:12:35 UTC
Thanks! I will try!
Asked by jpftavares on 2023-03-23 10:19:11 UTC
At the moment the solution I have found was draw the dash line and arrow on blender and import to gazebo as .dae file and works for now. The dash line I attached to the robot (only with visual properties) and the arrow I create a SDF Model and included on .world file
Asked by jpftavares on 2023-03-23 10:21:18 UTC
I would also be interested in this but for the newer gz-sim instead of gazebo classic. I'm looking for an arrow or marker that would follow the model and show the direction of wind even when the model itself rotates. I'm looking into plugins now but if anyone else has had luck let me know!
Asked by gragleas on 2023-03-23 13:20:20 UTC