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gazebo gui camera slows down when zooming out a lot

asked 2023-03-27 07:17:39 -0500

jeajea gravatar image


I'm using gazebo version 11 and I noticed that when I zoom out a lot, the ui camera behavior changes :

  • when trying to rotate, it rotates around a point in the air,
  • same thing happens when trying to move along x,y
  • the zoom in and zoom out slows down...

Do you know if there is anyway to suppress this behavior ?

Thank you

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-03-28 04:01:15 -0500

jeajea gravatar image

I answered on my own after a long time : There were clouds in the sky so each time I went above the clouds , gazebo was focusing on the clouds and not the ground anymore

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Asked: 2023-03-27 07:17:39 -0500

Seen: 32 times

Last updated: Mar 28 '23