How to correct ros_gz_project_template diff_drive example errors
On Ubuntu 22.04/ROS 2 Desktop Full (Machine is MAC M1 Virtual Machine arm64/aarch64), removed ros-ign-* and installed Ubuntu Binary ros-humble-gz-garden ( and ros-humble-ros-gz .
Example launch file error - should be ros2 launch rosgzexamplebringup
With corrected launch script, rviz opens displaying a white square box no wheels, but no Global Status nor Robot Model
Repeated Errors and warnings:
rviz2-4] Warning: Invalid frame ID "diffdrive/odom" passed to canTransform argument targetframe - frame does not exist
[parameterbridge-2] [WARN] [1675493696.608167875] [rosgzbridge]: Failed to create a bridge for topic [/clock] with ROS2 type [/clock] to topic [rosgraphmsgs/msg/clock] with Gazebo Transport type [gz.msgs.Clock]
parameterbridge-2] [INFO] [1675493694.607504915] [rosgz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: /diffdrive/cmdvel (geometrymsgs/msg/Twist) -> /model/diffdrive/cmd_vel (gz.msgs.Twist)
A search on this error suggested that Humble Binary installs look for Fortress message type. So I removed all installed ros_gz packages and I attempted a source install from into ~: ws/ workspace
I needed to do a "Workaround" gz-transport and gzmath7, gzsim7 , defining a GZCONFIGPATH environment to clear rosdep. Following the procedure, selecting the correct "humble" branches, following error results :
git clone -b humble into ~: $ ws/src ~: ws $ rosdep install -r --from-paths src -i -y --rosdistro humble
Compile Error results::
rosgzsim, rosigngazebo, rosignsim, rosgzinterfaces finished, while the next rosgzbridge continued for 5 mins then exited code 2 with several 100 error messages.
1 Package failed: rosgzbridge 1 package had stderr output: rosgzbridge 7 packages not processed.
Troubleshooting procedures appreciated.
Asked by RobotRoss on 2023-04-03 21:35:39 UTC
As I'm unable to compile ros_gz from source on to get a gz-garden compatible install, I realized I need to rebuild the system to install to do a Binary Install of Gazebo Ignition Fortress and ros-gz: See my other April 25, 2023 post "Unable to do Gazebo Sin Humble ROS 2 Integration Tutorial with gz-garden". I'm closing this thread.
Asked by RobotRoss on 2023-04-24 18:59:58 UTC