gz7 custom Sensor: Unbound prefix gz:type (as shown in the tutorial)

asked 2023-04-06 03:16:45 -0500

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Hello, I have a urdf (generated from a xacro) for ros2 which I extend with a file containing gazebo properties. I created a custom sensor based on the "boundingbox_camera" to bridge the boundingbox data directly inside of the plugin to ros2. (the bridge does not support visualization_msgs yet?)

This tutorial on custom sensors says that I am supposed to set the sensor type to type="custom" and additionally define a gz:type= property.

Where does the gz prefix come from? When launching the sim I get a "unbound prefix" exceptionimage description

This is the line in the xml file: image description

The header of the xml file looks like this: image description

and is followed by plugin and gazebo tags. The xml file is combined with the xacro of the urdf file by including booth within another xacro file and is then "compiled" to a urdf which is then compiled to a sdf file and then loaded with gazebo sim.

Please let me know, if you require any additional information!

Thanks! :)

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