Unable to install Gazebo Gardens on Mac M1
I followed the following tutorial on how to install Gazebo Gardens on a Mac.
I am stuck at this command line:
brew install gz-garden
I get the following result:
==> Installing gz-garden from osrf/simulation Error: The maximum number of open files on this system has been reached. Use
ulimit -n
to increase this limit.
I ran:
ulimit -f unlimited
But I still get the same error.
What do I do next?
Here is a list of dependencies that brew is trying to install:
Fetching dependencies for osrf/simulation/gz-garden: cmake, mpdecimal, ca-certificates, openssl@1.1, readline, sqlite, python@3.11, gz-cmake3, assimp, aribb24, dav1d, freetype, fontconfig, frei0r, libunistring, libidn2, libtasn1, p11-kit, libevent, libnghttp2, unbound, gnutls, lame, fribidi, xorgproto, libxau, libxdmcp, libxcb, libx11, libxext, libxrender, lzo, pixman, cairo, graphite2, icu4c, harfbuzz, libunibreak, libass, libbluray, cjson, mbedtls, librist, libsoxr, libvidstab, libogg, libvorbis, libvpx, opencore-amr, openjpeg, opus, rav1e, libsamplerate, flac, mpg123, libsndfile, rubberband, sdl2, snappy, speex, srt, svt-av1, leptonica, libb2, libarchive, pango, tesseract, theora, x264, xvid, libsodium, zeromq, zimg, ffmpeg, freeimage, aws-sdk-cpp, bzip2, gflags, glog, abseil, c-ares, protobuf, re2, grpc, rapidjson, thrift, utf8proc, z3, apache-arrow, cfitsio, popt, epsilon, expat, freexl, geos, isl, mpfr, libmpc, gcc, libaec, hdf5, json-c, libgeotiff, minizip, uriparser, libkml, liblerc, krb5, libpq, librttopo, libxml2, libspatialite, netcdf, openblas, numpy, nspr, nss, poppler, qhull, m4, libtool, unixodbc, xerces-c, gdal, jasper, netpbm, gts, doxygen, pybind11, eigen, gz-utils2, libyaml, ruby, gz-math7, ossp-uuid, tinyxml2, gz-common5, protobuf-c, gz-tools2, gz-msgs9, jsoncpp, libzip, gz-fuel-tools8, gz-plugin2, boost, libzzip, tbb, ogre1.9, ogre2.3, gz-rendering7, cppzmq, gz-transport12, qt@5, gz-gui7, google-benchmark, bullet, libccd, octomap, fcl, flann, fmt, ampl-mp, ipopt, nlopt, ode, open-scene-graph, spdlog, consolebridge, tinyxml, urdfdomheaders, urdfdom, dartsim, sdformat13, gz-physics6, gz-sensors7, gz-sim7 and gz-launch6
Asked by Gabriele on 2023-04-18 06:47:09 UTC
Try to change the limit with ulimit -n <number>
E.g. ulimit -n 10000
That worked for me.
Asked by janto on 2023-04-19 04:45:01 UTC