Segmentation Camera and Label plugin fails for spawned models
Dear community,
we have recently found out, that the segmentation camera in conjunction with the label plugin (ignition::gazebo::systems::Label) only works for models, which are already defined __before startup__ in the *.world.
If we are spawning models __during runtime__ of the simulation, the labels of the spawned models are not visualized. For spawning during runtime we used the create script from ros_ign_gazebo in a launch file:
<node pkg="ros_ign_gazebo" type="create" name="$(anon ros_ign)" output="$(arg output)" args=""/>
In both cases the model was defined with the plugin in such way:
<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-label-system" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Label">
Since we would like to append models during runtime and to be detected by the segmentation camera, any help would be appreciated to solve this issue.