Is it possible to control gazebo closed loop joints using gazebo_ros_control
Hi everyone, my question, is it possible to control gazebo joints using gazeboroscontrol? To be clear my robot model is in URDF, but I have a gazebo tag in it and inside that I have a prismatic linear actuator which creates a closed loop, which is allowed because I believe it converts URDF to SDF which supports closed loop links.
The model looks correct in Gazebo, but I cant control the joints and my controller manager displays this error:
Joint state with name: "cylinder_to_piston" was received but not found in URDF
Note: cylindertopiston is within the gazebo tag block inside the URDF , but none of the joints appear controllable through ros controller manager.
Thanks in advance.
Asked by zonared on 2023-05-06 08:01:16 UTC