Gazebo Fortress Parameter bridge not working
I am trying to launch my custom robot urdf ion Gazebo Fortress but the "parameter bridge" is not working and I am not able to echo or publish to any topics.
here is my urdf file which also contains ignition gazebo plugins test_robot_ign.xacro
I first launch the which contains the robot state publisher and joint state publisher.
After that, I launch the which - launches the file from ros_ign_gazebo with a custom world sdf file - spawns the robot by running create node from ros_ign_gazebo by subscribing the robot_description topic - runs the parameter_bridge from ros_ign_bridge
I am able to successfully see my robot and the custom sdf world file in gazebo Fortress but I am not able to control the robot using teleop.
I am only running the parameter bridge for /cmd_vel topic.
Even if I am not running the teleop node, I get 1 subscription count and 1 publisher count for /cmd_vel topic
I am getting the following rqt_graph