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How to create a model population in Gazebo Garden [closed]

Run Environment

Run code

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!-- A global light source -->

<!-- A ground plane -->

<!-- Testing the automatic population of objects -->
<population name="rock_population1">
  <model name="rock1">
  <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
    <size>2 2 0.01</size>

gz sim world.sdf


Hi! I'd like to spawn multiple entities of a model in my world using the SDF world/population element following this tutorial and although the SDF element is recognized (I get an error if I dont define the population name) and I dont get any errors, nothing appears in my world nor in the entity tree. The "rock" model loads perfectly fine when I have it there on it's own.

I'm importing <plugin filename="gz-sim-physics-system" name="gz::sim::systems::Physics"> </plugin> but I don't see any Population.hh or PopulationParams.hh in my/usr/include/gz/physics6.

TLDR; How can I use the SDF population element in Gazebo Garden?

Asked by tanguy on 2023-06-18 17:44:33 UTC



If anyone stumbles on this in the future and is interested, I got great answers to this question in this thread :

Asked by tanguy on 2023-06-23 03:35:53 UTC
