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Failed to find mesh file, File or path does not exist

Hello all,

I am trying to run a URDF robot in gazebo and continue to get errors of trying to find meshes. I have tried using a relative file path and a hard coded file path. It also says URI not supported by Fuel but I am not trying to use Ignition or fuel, only gazebo.

Here is the Error code:

[gazebo-1] [Wrn] [] URI not supported by Fuel [model://$HOME/ros2_ws/src/sim/description/urdf/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/Wrist1.dae]
[gazebo-1] [Wrn] [] File or path does not exist [""] [model://$HOME/ros2_ws/src/sim/description/urdf/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/Wrist1.dae]
[gazebo-1] [Err] [] Failed to find mesh file [model://$HOME/ros2_ws/src/sim/description/urdf/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/Wrist1.dae]

Asked by Fischdog on 2023-07-10 11:22:17 UTC

