Physically Attach Kinect Camera to TurtleBot 3 Waffle Gazebo Simulation
Hi All,
I'm pretty new to ROS and Gazebo so please forgive me.
I have followed this tutorial [] and have been successfully been able to integrate a Kinect sensor in my gazebo simulation and then visualize the point cloud of obstacles in rviz. I'm now trying to physically mount this to a turtle bot 3 waffle, so that as the robot drives around the kinect sensor moves with it and therefore the point cloud will update to represent it's current surroundings. I have followed the Kinect tutorial and installed the Kinect model in home/user/.gazebo/models. I think Ive found the turtlebot files in /opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlebot3_gazebo/models. I've inserted the following code before of the turtlebot sdf file and the kinect doesnt spawn with the robot:
<pose>-1.999996 -0.499974 .5 0 0 0</pose>
<joint name="kinect_ros" type="fixed">
Any help would be greatly appreciated!