How can I open DRC simulator 2.6 without Errors?
I have installed ROS groovy on Ubuntu 12.10, 64 bits.
I have also installed drcsim 2.6 with "Compiling from source" tutorial.
The problem is:
-WHen I tried to open the ATLAS robot model with:
. /usr/local/share/drcsim/
roslaunch atlas_utils atlas.launch
-I get the following errors:
Setting /run_id to e1eda8dc-c984-11e2-8837-003067bb0d9a
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4369]
started core service [/rosout]
gazebo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
failed to start local process: /usr/local/share/drcsim-2.6/ros/atlasutils/scripts/rungazebo -q _name:=gazebo _log:=/home/john/.ros/log/e1eda8dc-c984-11e2-8837-003067bb0d9a/gazebo-2.log local launch of atlasutils/rungazebo failed [gazebo-2] process has died [pid -1, exit code 127, cmd /usr/local/share/drcsim-2.6/ros/atlasutils/scripts/rungazebo -q _name:=gazebo _log:=/home/john/.ros/log/e1eda8dc-c984-11e2-8837-003067bb0d9a/gazebo-2.log]. log file: /home/john/.ros/log/e1eda8dc-c984-11e2-8837-003067bb0d9a/gazebo-2*.log
How can I solve this problem?