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Error launching DRCSim 2.6 + Gazebo 1.8


When launching DRCSim using roslaunch atlas_utils atlas.launch this error appears:

setting /run_id to 73a3c1c6-c98a-11e2-9b6f-001e65d8adfa
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7411]
started core service [/rosout]
process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [7425]
process[atlas_robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [7430]
process[multisense_sl_robot_state_publisher-4]: started with pid [7453]
process[tf2_buffer_server-5]: started with pid [7473]
process[multisense_sl/camera/stereo_proc-6]: started with pid [7515]
Error [] VRCScoringPlugin: unknown world name "default"; not scoring.Error [MultiSenseSLPlugin.cpp:127] laser sensor not found

DRCSim keeps running well... What could be affected by this error?

Asked by gustavo.velascoh on 2013-05-30 19:55:58 UTC



You can ignore the VRCScoringPlugin error message, it's only used for scoring in vrc worlds. Try launching atlas_sandia_hands.launch and you should not see this message as the plugin is taken out from this world.

As for the laser sensor not found error message, it is complaining that the head_hokuyo_sensor is not found. I do not see this on my machine, so I would verify whether or not laser is working by running

rostopic echo /multisense_sl/laser/scan

Asked by iche033 on 2013-05-31 03:54:24 UTC


I launched atlas_sandia_hands.launch and the error doesnt appear... but Gazebo closes...

Asked by gustavo.velascoh on 2013-05-31 11:25:12 UTC

is there an error message? try have a clean build, and source drcsim/ before launching

Asked by iche033 on 2013-06-01 02:56:34 UTC