Gazebo crush when building the plugin using ros_fuerte and running it with Gazebo standalone version (1.7.1)?? [closed]
I have a sensor that is built with using “ rosbuildaddlibrary ( )” with ros fuerte. and I wanted to simulate the sensor in gazebo standalone version (1.7.) , I have compiled the plugin and inserted it in model.sdf file but when I run the file following the instruction in (Tutorials/1.4/using the ros plugins) but gazebo crushed immediately. Is there any reason for that?
In CmakeLists.txt I added :
include (FindPkgConfig)
pkgcheckmodules(GAZEBO gazebo) endif()
includedirectories(${GAZEBOINCLUDEDIRS}) linkdirectories(${GAZEBOLIBRARYDIRS})
and I have deleted the gazebo dependencies that is existed in the manifest.xml. When I run it , gazebo crash immediately.
Any ideas or suggestions how to solve this problem are so much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!