Gazebo "Inserting Models Plugin" loading error, fail to load plugin.
Hi, I am new to Gazebo and learning it as i have to do my Final Year Project in it. I am following the tutorials from the official site of gazebo and now i am stuck at Inserting Models Plugin.
When at the end i run server it shows error.
salmaan@ubuntu:~$ gzserver ~/gazeboplugintutorial/factory.sdf Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.8.6 Copyright (C) 2013 Open Source Robotics Foundation. Released under the Apache 2 License.
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[/home/salmaan/gazeboplugintutorial/factory.sdf]. Warning [] Version[1.3] to Version[1.4] Please use the gzsdf tool to update your SDF files. $ gzsdf convert [sdf_file] Msg Waiting for master Msg Connected to gazebo master @ Msg Publicized address:
Error [Plugin.hh:126] Failed to load plugin cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I discovered that the directory is build/, i changed the directory in the world file but still it gives me the same error. :/
NOTE: I am making the files and folders on my home directory, not in gazebo directory. But previous 2 examples of plugins worked fine.