DRC Atlas safety_controller URDF
I looked into the URDF-File of Atlas. There, for example, you have:
<joint name="l_arm_shx" type="revolute"><origin rpy="0 -0 0" xyz="0 0.075 0.036"/>
What actually is the safety controller? I looked into http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2controllermanager/safety_limits, but still I cannot figure out the soft_upper_limit and soft_lower_limit. There, they say " The upper soft limit is the upper hardware limit minus the safetylengthmax"
My Hardware position limit for the l_arm_shx joint is [-1.3962 ... +1.74533]. So how do I account the softupperlimit with that? Is +1.74533 given in [rad], where softupperlimit given in [deg]? But this has to be wrong...1.74533 is somewhat 100°.
I'm sorry for this question, but I'm completly new to URDF, Gazebo and DRC
Thank you
Asked by Wally on 2013-07-08 09:02:15 UTC