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KUKA Youbot out-of-box support

asked 2013-07-08 13:14:40 -0600

Olzhas gravatar image

Does Gazebo provide out-of-box support of KUKA youbot I am interested because this tutorial is out-dated if so could you give a link to a webpage of document on this topic?

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-09-29 10:15:19 -0600

Arn-O gravatar image

updated 2013-09-29 10:15:49 -0600

I have finally developed my own repo:

You should be able to run youBot with it.

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answered 2013-07-10 08:11:28 -0600

Arn-O gravatar image

I have installed Gazebo from the debs yesterday,and youBot is included. Unfortunately, the ROS integration is not supported and I'm currently installing Gazebo from the sources.

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I have to add some details to my answers, since I have learn and done a couple of things. So you can use youBot model from the robot database of Gazebo. You will have to develop a Gazebo plugin to control it. If you want the ROS integration, you will have to use the version of Gazebo compatible the tutorial from the youbot-store (which have been removed in the meantime). I'm currently working on my own on a youBot description for Gazebo 1.9 with ROS.

Arn-O gravatar imageArn-O ( 2013-08-01 02:47:09 -0600 )edit

I have to add some details to my answers, since I have learn and done a couple of things.

Arn-O gravatar imageArn-O ( 2013-08-01 02:47:10 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-07-08 13:14:40 -0600

Seen: 1,114 times

Last updated: Sep 29 '13