Joints forming a closed loop of linkages - parallel linkages with SDF
Given the joints have a parent child relationship, is it possible to form loops? If not, are there workarounds? Does this vary between versions of Gazebo?
For context, I have been trying to adapt this urdf ( ) for Gazebo 1.5 that is included with the ROS-groovy. So far I have this ( )
Originally they used player and did this:
<joint:hinge name="ackermann_right_bar_joint">
<axis>0 0 1</axis>
<anchorOffset>0 -0.45 0</anchorOffset>
The original has a set of links and with joints so that they form parallel linkages, the two player joints close the loop on each side. I tried to just add joints to replace those in player:
<joint name='ackermann_left_bar_joint' type='revolute'>
<xyz>0.000000 0.000000 1.000000</xyz>
This seems to do nothing and doesn't give any errors.
Eventually I want to use this with a plugin, but I am still learning about plugins.