Building Robot with Sensor and Controller using Gazebo and ROS
Dear Friends,
I am a very new to Gazebo and ROS domain.
For my research purpose, I need to build a very simple robot with two sensors and a controller built in. The sensors will measure the distance of any obstacle that may come in the path and supply this data to controller. The controller will take decision based on some algorithm to avoid the obstacle.
Can you kindly give me a guidance how to build this using Gazebo and ROS? As per my understanding, Controller may need to be written using ROS APIs but how to establish the link between sensor and controller and controller and the robot is not clear to me. Please help.
Thanks and Regards, Debjit.
Asked by Debjit Pal on 2013-07-17 18:30:50 UTC
You can use already built robots for this purpose for example one in this tutorial.
Follow the tutorial leaving the navigation part once done you can see Via rostopic list command that it gives you the distance information and odometry data. For designing your own robot try this tutorial and on wards.
Asked by ZeeQ on 2013-07-19 22:32:37 UTC