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Adding custom media to URDF models loaded with gazebo_ros

I'm trying to load my models into gazebo using gazebo ros, but gazebo is having trouble finding the materials I am using, giving me the error Warning [] Unable to get Material[MATERIAL_NAME].

Previously I would set GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH so that it would be able to find my materials. Is there a way to replicate this functionality with the newer versions of gazebo?

Asked by baxelrod on 2013-07-24 19:53:34 UTC


Can you post your SDF model file?

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-07-25 13:41:25 UTC

When you say "I would set GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH so that it would be able to find my materials", you meant in the package.xml find? like this:

  <gazebo_ros plugin_path="${prefix}/lib"  gazebo_media_path="${prefix}" gazebo_model_path="${prefix}/models"/>

Asked by morteza_azad on 2021-02-06 17:01:01 UTC

Alternatively, you can use <env> tag in your roslaunch file:

<env name="GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH" value="<your_resource_path>:$(optenv GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH )"/>

Asked by m.bahno on 2021-03-31 02:50:10 UTC
